Submit Your Pictures
Add an image of yourself and your bike to our Streetriders Gallery, and your picture will also show on our homepage's "Find Yourself Here" random image generator. What are we looking for? We want people who are passionate about bicycling and use their velos out on the streets to go everywhere, in every weather. We want to show people who use their bikes for travel, transport, and chores where the less-fortunate would be using cars. We want to show people who are not afraid of life. We are especially interested if you use your bicycle for: If you load your bike on the SUV to take it to the trail, racecourse, or bikepath, please don't send photos. But if you load it on a bus, train, or ferry for multi-modal commuting, send your pix!

We will show only your first name and last initial.

Email Address:
Model Release
By leaving this box checked, I agree that Bicycle Fixation may freely use the images I have submitted with this form in the Streetriders Gallery and the Find Yourself Here random image feature for as long as the site exists. (Required, obviously; if you uncheck this we will not use your pictures.)
Pictures must be JPG only, and either cropped to a square or have enough room for us to crop them. If you wish to control the composition, crop them yourself! Otherwise it's our call. Please make sure images are no less than 500 pixels wide on the shorter side, but try to keep them below 150KB.

Add your picture: